Thursday, September 25, 2008

RiBBoN FoR SaLe! ReTaiL PRiCeS on RiBBoN By THe YaRD.

As anyone knows who has tried to find ribbon in this town, well, there just ISN'T any, and what IS available is poor quality, limited selection, and very expensive! I try to keep a huge selection of colors, and my ribbon selection is growing by leaps and bounds as my business grows. My goal is to have a 'store' of every type of ribbon, every color, every size, as soon as I can afford to have so much inventory! I sell my top quality ribbon for far less than the junky ribbon sells for at the local craft stores, and I'll happily make my inventory available for purchase at these prices:

SOLID COLORS (Grosgrain, Satin, Sheer):
1/4".... .24/yd
3/8".... .27
5/8".... .36
7/8".... .46
1 1/2".... .70
2 1/4".... 1.00

PRINTED (dots, animal prints, etc.):
3/8".... .59
5/8".... .72
7/8".... .84
1 1/2".... 1.20

Thursday, September 18, 2008

MaDe To MaTCH BoWS: Gymboree *Prep School*

I recently made a custom hairbow to match Gymboree's Prep School Line, and I think it turned out pretty cute, if I do say so myself! :) Need a custom made-to-match bow? Call me!